If running a business was easy everyone would be doing it.
I’ve lost count of the amount of times I've said this to myself. As a business owner there will be times where you want to give up. Times...
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What an entrepreneur can learn from The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory is a fantastic sitcom that has become one of the most popular TV Shows in years. It’s about 4 friends that are...
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Getting Good At Networking Is Like Learning To Have Sex
As a result of this I get business owners asking me all the time for the secret to successful networking. How can you get a huge return...
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A List Of Cock Wombles I Have Met At Networking Events!
A List Of Cock Wombles That I Have Met At Networking Events And What We Can Learn From Their Screw Ups It's no secret that I have built...
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50% of Businesses Will Fail... Are You One of Them?
Watch my new Vlog below to find out the number 1 tip to make your business EXPLODE! https://www.bloglovin.com/blogs/craig-petty-19192167...
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What an entrepreneur can learn from The Paw Patrol
I have two kids, a five year old boy and a two year old girl. Both of whom are obsessed with a children's TV show called Paw Patrol. If...
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What Can A Business Owner Learn From Studying the WWE (yep, wrestling!)
Did you know I'm a huge wrestling fan? I have been since a kid and I watch just as much wrestling now as I did back then. I still...
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Learn To Say 'YES' or how I went from never speaking to Keynoting at The Business Show in le
Did you realise I am a motivational business speaker? In the last few months I have spoken at events up and down the country. I talk...
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